The world economy in transition
Manufacturing industries such as the automotive industry will continue to undergo a comprehensive change with increasing speed. More and more will be required flexible structures, high know how levels, international management and specialist expertise in addition to your own permanent human resources.
These important and time-critical requests can be optimized by the short-term contracting of multi-lingual independent interim managers and consultants with many years of practical experience. Simulatanously four core fields of technological development and implementation must be mastered: Digitalization, electric mobility, connected cars with new shared mobility concepts and autonomous driving!
The comprehensive individual services as interim management and consulting offered by INTERIM[4]AUTOMOTIVE through the entire value chain enable the manufacturing industries both domestic and international to gain a competitive advantage by hands-on, fully integrated leadership and guidance of projects encompassing existing and completely new business systems.
INTERIM[4]AUTOMOTIVE designs, organizes, implements and accelerates your product creation- and manufacturing processes, supply chains and production worldwide.
Founder and owner is Diplom-Volkswirt (Master of economics) Dietmar von Polenz.
Dietmar von Polenz is member of Dachgesellschaft Deutsches Interim Management e. V. (DDIM) , the professional platform of german interim managers, and the DDIM practise group Automotive. He is also member of BCCG British German Chamber of Commerce in Germany e. V..